Book a car to enjoy your holidays with Autos Borges in Teguise

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Contact us

If you want to book a rental car to enjoy your holidays in Teguise, contact us at Autos Borges. We are here to help you plan your transportation during your stay on the island. You can contact us through our website or by calling our offices in Teguise. We look forward to helping you book your rental car and make your vacation in Teguise as comfortable and enjoyable as possible!

C/Las Olas 15 Costa Teguise, Lanzarote

C/ Los Hervidero 4


Avenida Jablillo, 1 - A


35508 Las Palmas


Telephone: +34 928 590 041




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Book a car to enjoy the holidays! At Autos Borges we help you.